Monday, October 10, 2016

Lord, You bring me down a notch or two.

Saturday 10-8-2016  Martínez, Argentina
Today we read: Ezra 9 - 10    Psalm 131    Luke 21

S.  Ps 131 LORD, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD — now and always. NLT

O. Ps 131 “Look, Lord! I am humbling my heart and correcting my haughty way of looking down at others. I admit that there are things too great, too deep and too awesome for my tiny, finite mind to comprehend and explain. So I am calming my puzzled mind, instructing it to be satisfied with not knowing everything… just like a little child on his mother’s knee. Yes, Lord, like a little child trusting entirely in his or her mother, may my soul put its trust and hope in You… now and always.” NUHV*

A.  What is an atheist? It is a person that refuses to accept the simplistic, childlike explanations of God’s Word. Since he cannot understand his own existence on this planet and the deep, hidden, spiritual mysteries that surround these events, he concludes that the things his mind cannot explain do not exist at all. He thus acclaims himself as his own god… much smarter than those childlike men and women that trust God’s Holy revealed Word. 

P.  Jesus, You bring me down a notch or two. You show me that Your Word, simplistic as it is, is higher and deeper than my limited comprehension.  You lift a little child high in the air as You teach Your Holy truths to the crowd, “If you are not willing to receive God as Your King and Master, like this little child, you will never see the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:15 NUHV* Today, Lord, I am that little child… Please keep me there.  Amen.

*NUHV New Unauthorized Hiatt Version

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