Saturday, September 17, 2011


Last night, Friday, I ministered at a local church Bible School in the CCC, Centro Cristiano of Cordoba. They do Bible classes for the kids and youth simultaneously with the adults. I had Perfume and Felipe come out for the whole group before they split up into classes. Then they allowed me to minister to the youth and adults together.

This church was planted by Don and Melba Exley clear back in 1977 and has become a great world missions church, not only the top missions supporting church in the nation, but also the greatest sender of missionaries from its own congregation! 18 families have been sent out into many countries from this one church! Their pastor and his wife, Juan and Lidia Masalyka are in Spain right now holding a spiritual retreat for Europe’s missionaries. Good job… Don and Melba… and congratulations to Juan and Lidia… all great servants of Jesus!
During my message I told the story of a baby girl named Mabel Murua who was miraculously healed of a large tumor on her neck when we were planting a church in San Juan years ago.
When I passed around a picture of her taken with Frances and me and her folks in 2007 (40 years old in the picture and still beautiful) along with another picture of many of her family members that came to the Lord as a result of the miracle, I noticed a lot of excitement among the people. They all started talking at once.

Someone ran out and brought in a young man that I immediately recognized, Luis Murua, Mabel’s nephew! I did not know that he now lives in this area and attends this church over 300 miles from where the miracle occurred. They yelled, “Surprise!” and here came Luis running into my arms.

Then he took the mike and testified how his grandparents (Mabel’s parents) and all eleven of his great uncles and aunts gave their lives to Christ through this miracle, some went into the ministry, others now are in heaven. I especially like these miracles that can be confirmed as genuine. Jesus is alive!
After their classes some of the kids returned to gather around me to pray for me.
Another day of superb blessings!
