Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014 at Modesto Neighborhood Church

Last night I enjoyed a blessed special service at my home church, Modesto Neighborhood.  The building (Modesto Christian School gymnasium) was packed almost to capacity.  I tried to capture a few moments with my camera.

My son, “Pastor Tim”, the music and worship director, led us all in “Caroling”.  While we were singing my cell phone rang.  I had forgotten to put it on “vibrate” mode.  It couldn’t be heard over the singing.  I took the call, but just kept on singing… I listened to Ron, my oldest son’s voice speaking from his home in Felton, CA.  Without a word I just held my phone up so he and his wife could enjoy the singing.  Today (Christmas) he called to tell me he and his Argentinean wife, Elisabet, enjoyed singing along with us.  So now Ron suggests that next year we encourage everyone to bring their cell phones and include distant family and friends in our worship and message.  Novel idea!  J

Kids make Christmas-time fun.  They sang with all their might.  So cute!

The shepherds did a skit ending with a song and dance. 

My grandson, Evan, (left) did a little jig at the end and I caught him with both feet in the air.

Edessa, a lovely teenage girl expressed her love for Christ with her beautiful voice.

As the choir sang again, this time my granddaughter, Michelle, played the keyboard and sang along with them.

And of course the kids reenacted the manger scene and made us all proud.

Pastor Lance Lowell presented the true Christmas message and at least two people took their first steps toward following Jesus.  

With the lights turned out each of our candles was lit illuminating the sanctuary for “Silent Night” and the final prayer.


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