Thursday, January 22, 2015

He turns and looks at me

Thursday 1-22-15 (Home)   

Scripture reading:    Exod 3-5        Luke 22

S.  Luke 22:59-62 About an hour later someone else insisted, "This must be one of Jesus' disciples because he is a Galilean, too." But Peter said, "Man, I don't know what you are talking about." And as soon as he said these words, the rooster crowed.  At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered that the Lord had said, "Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny me three times."  And Peter left the courtyard, crying bitterly. NLT

O.  Peter was doubtless the most outspoken of the 12 apostles of Jesus.  He was the quickest to defend Him with a sword.  He had boldly declared that he was ready to die for Jesus.  Probably partly due to his bragging about being willing to die for Him… instead of running away like ten of the other disciples, Peter, along with John, follows the crowd that had taken Jesus captive… but at a distance, out of sight.  The apostle John knew the High Priest so he had entrance into the courtyard.  When Peter got there John arranged for him to enter into the courtyard, too.  (John 18:15-17)  Now, standing amid the guards, servants and enemies of Jesus, 

Peter wants to go un-noticed.  He might have imagined a possible scene, like some guard yelling, “Hey, here is Jesus’ right hand man!  Let’s grab him, too!”  So he hides in the shadows.  But leave it to the girls… one of them speaks out.  “Weren’t you one of Jesus’ friends?”  “Not me, I don’t know the man.” One!  A little later Peter was getting cold and a group of servants and guards were warming themselves at a fire.  Peter tries to go unnoticed as he approaches to warm his hands, but the firelight shows his face.  “Hey, this is one of this man’s group!  Isn’t that right mister?” “Who?  Me?  I don’t know who that man is?”  Two! Later someone adds, “You are lying.  Your Galilean accent gives you away.”  Peter reverts to his old language habits like when the fish nets got tangled and torn.  He blurts out some swear words and says, “Listen, I don’t know what you guys are talking about!” Three!  Right on time the rooster crows.  

Jesus has his hands tied behind his back, one of the guards has just smashed him in the face.  (John 18:22)  Important people are screaming accusations and threats at Him, but He hears the rooster crow… and turns and looks at Peter.  Through the haze of foul words and accusations, through the angry crowd that separated them, their eyes meet for only a few seconds.  But that look… that look said more than 100 words.  Peter turns and escapes out of the courtyard and into the darkness.  Tears pour down that rugged fisherman’s face.  He hated himself.  He was a hopeless failure.  Jesus had renamed him, Peter the Rock.  But now he knows he is a useless wimp.    

A.  Have you been there?  I have.  Yes, I have.  I hate to admit it, but I have.  And the tears still pour down my cheeks as I think if it.  Useless wimp!  Failure!  And all my Jesus does is He just looks at me.  He does not shout condemnation.  He does not point the finger.  He just looks.  His look is enough.  I run into the darkness to weep bitterly in repentance.  Oh, you thought preachers never have to repent?  I can’t speak for others, but this one has to.  

Peter’s failure gives me hope.  After His resurrection Jesus makes a special effort to restore and strengthen Peter.  Jesus did not give up on a weak, lying failure named Simon Peter.  So I know, He will not give up on me!

P.  Oh!  Savior, I have promised to plant the seed of my life fulfilling Your mission.  Like Simon Peter, I too have made a commitment to be willing to die for You.  But sadly like Peter, under pressure, I have sometimes failed to speak up for You when surrounded by the enemy.  But You turn and look at me.  I sense shame, but feel your love, compassion and mercy.  Your grace flows like a river when You just look at me.  Justice would throw me away as useless.  Your look is a call to tears of repentance, cleansing and a fresh start.  May my promises to die for You not just be empty words.  May I carry Your message to the lost and needy until my dying day!  Amen.


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