Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Forward, March!

My today's devotional: Tuesday 2-24-15 (Home) 

Scripture reading:      Num 14-16       Mark 3

S.  Num. 14:3-4  Let's get out of here and return to Egypt!" Then they plotted among themselves, "Let's choose a leader and go back to Egypt!" NLT

O.  Through Moses, God had finally led more than one million people through the wilderness to the door of the promised land of Canaan.  Twelve selected men had traveled throughout the land and brought back examples of the beautiful fruit produced there.  Two of these men, Caleb and Joshua, encouraged the people to go for it and God would be with them, but ten of the twelve men spread the word around the camp that there were giants in the land and if they entered it they would all be killed.  Rebellion rose among the people.  “Let’s choose a new leader. This Moses is leading us into certain annihilation.  Let’s go back to Egypt.  Forget about God’s promised land.  Being slaves in Egypt was not so bad after all.” The Israelites retreated and a whole generation perished in the desert.  How different it could have been!  May I learn from their negative example! 

A.  How many of us have been frightened away from God’s best for our lives right at the door of entry?  There before us was God’s challenge.  We had come a long way getting ready for this day, but the enemy fed us a lie saying that we would certainly fail.  At this crucial point too many of us choose to return to the status quo.  We see ourselves too small for the task, but fail to take into consideration our God that can make us more than conquerors. 

I still carry the remnants of a deep inferiority complex.  I cannot boast of ever being a man of great faith.  Every challenge has left me trembling, knowing that in myself I cannot be successful.  It is at this crossroad that each of us has to make a decision.  God has spoken to our heart to advance.  But perhaps we are unsure.  Was it really the voice of God?  Am I mature enough, strong enough, educated enough, brilliant enough to enter that door?  It is then we must understand that we will never be big enough to meet God’s challenges.  He does not invite us to enter the land alone.  He promises His miracle working power to accompany us as we act in obedience to His clearly revealed word, stepping out by faith.

P.  Lord, I cannot clearly see the path ahead.  You only give me enough vision to see that the task is much bigger than I am.  And as I struggle with decisions to advance or retreat, You stand beside me saying, “Go for it, my son! You will not go alone, I will go with You.  Locked doors will swing open before you.  I will make the crooked ways straight.  I will bring down the mountains and fill the valleys.  My hosts of mighty angels will go before you.  You’re gonna make it, boy.  Success is just over that hill up there.  Forward march!”


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