Tuesday, July 14, 2015

His Love

Monday 7-13-15 (Home, Modesto, California)
Scripture reading:    Isaiah 15-18    Heb 10

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Heb 10:19-20  And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. This is the new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us through the sacred curtain, by means of his death for us.   NLT

O.  It’s a love story.  The entire book written to devout Hebrews is a treatise to the contrasts of the Old Covenant and the New.  The Old Covenant was only a shadow, an illustration of the New.  The tabernacle with the heavy curtain separating sinful men from a Holy God could only be entered once a year by the high priest, carrying the blood of a sacrificed animal and this as the risk of his life.  God, the Father, was teaching us the seriousness of sin and showing us that He was offering us a way out of our guilt and subsequent condemnation.  All of the Old Covenant ritual looked forward to the coming of Christ.  God loved and would send His Son. Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, because of His love… would offer his body and blood for the entire sinful human race.  And now by trusting in Him we have open access to go behind the curtain, that was torn from top to bottom the moment Christ died, and without fear and we can enjoy an intimate relationship with Our Creator God.

A.  What am I going to do about it?  How am I going to react to Christ’s sacrificial gift of love?  Will I say, “Ho hum.  I think I’ll go to church now and then so that everybody with think I’m a pretty good guy.”  Or will I fall at the feet of the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, confess my sin, my pride, my hopeless state and accept his offer to… now cleansed by the blood of His sacrifice, step across the threshold into the Holy of Holies… into precious fellowship with God, my Creator?

P.  Father God, I come to You today not in my own goodness or anything I could have done.  I enter with absolute confidence through Your Son’s perfect sacrifice, once for all time and for all men.  Without fear I now enter Your presence to tell You that I love You.  And as I do, once again I sense Your eternal love flooding over my soul.

His Love
By Ralph Hiatt 1979  (Sheet music below)

His love brought Jesus down to me.
His love nailed Him to Calvary’s tree.
His love, His perfect love,
His great o’er powering love,
Reached down and lifted me from sin


His love is flooding o’er my soul.
His love is flooding o’er my soul.
His love is cleansing me,
His love caressing me,
His love is flooding o’er my soul.

His love pours from a rugged cross.
Water and blood flow mingled down.
Offering a cleansing river,
Washing earth’s vilest sinner,
His love now floods my needy soul.

His love rent heaven’s veil in two.
Opened the door for me, for you.
Made peace with God, my Father,
Restored me to my brother,
His love joins men and God as one.

His love compels me to behold
Millions yet waiting to be told.
His love gives me the vision
Of men in sin’s dark prison
Listen!   Love calls, “So send I you!”

Spanish chorus:

Su amor me inunda el corazón
Su amor me inunda el corazón
Su amor, perfecto amor,
Su poderoso amor

Su amor me inunda el corazón

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