Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lost Love

Thursday 5-7-15  (Esquel, Argentina)
Scripture reading:     2 Sam 13-14     Matt 24

S.  Matt 24:12  Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.” NLT

O.  Jesus was answering the disciples’ question related to the end of the world and His coming Kingdom.  Part of Jesus’ answer was the above statement.  Does not this describe accurately the days we live in?

A.  Lost love!  It is the story of ten thousand married couples.  They started out with passionate love for one another, but time has passed and life has become routine.  Arguments flare up and their loving relationship has grown cold.  In far too many such cases one of the two is lured away into an adulterous relationship. 

But now Jesus is speaking about love for Him and for His Father in Heaven.  We started out with enthusiasm.  We were head over heels in love with Jesus.  His love dominated our thoughts and actions.  But then in time our spiritual life became routine.  We were still going through the motions, but the passion was missing.    

In John’s vision, Jesus says, write this to the church: (Rev 2:4-5) “You guys are  doing okay… but I have to level with you.  You don't love me as you did at first!  Examine your heart and see how far you have fallen from your first love!  Listen, I am calling you back to me again… back to your loving devotion and passion to serve Me as you did at first.” (My paraphrase)

P.  Dear Lord Jesus, I think I hear Your loving voice calling me back to my first love for You.  Time has passed.  Life has become routine.  I need to be drawn back into Your loving arms again.  I need to find myself sitting at your feet.  I need to drink fresh from the fountain of living water.  I don’t want to hear You say, “Your doing okay, my son… except for one thing…”  That’s not good enough.  That is not acceptable.  Fill me again with burning passion for You, not just as I once had, but Lord, I ask you to carry me into a new and deeper love relationship with You… Yes, closer to You than ever before!  Amen.


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