Friday, May 29, 2015

Turn off the flow

Friday 5-29-15 (Martinez, Argentina)
Scripture reading:  Prov 10-12    Rom 10

S.  Prov 10:19  Don't talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!  NLT

O.  This one doesn’t need a wordy explanation.

A.  I have been reading a massive volume of all of Abraham Lincoln’s writings, including his speeches.  (Actually my “Kindle” has been reading this extensive volume to me through my car audio as I drive these endless highways.)  I have just arrived at his election as the first Republican president over the extreme protests of the south… and the Democrats who defended their rights to keep black slaves.  No president ever took office in a more tense situation. 

The first weeks he was traveling from Springfield, Illinois to Washington DC.  At dozens of stops along the way the public and the press pushed him to make a speech.  He addressed and greeted each crowd briefly, but in the face of the volatile atmosphere, he wisely refused to make political comments.  Even in his inaugural address he laid out only one basic principle: that he would abide strictly by the constitution of the USA and not interfere with those states that had already for many decades practiced slavery.  Even so, his opposing politicians stirred the leaders of five southern states to secede from the Union of the States and attempt to form their own country.  Talk about a hot potato!

P.  Oh Lord, teach me when to hold my tongue.  I confess, my mouth is quicker than my brain.  A spoken word cannot be retrieved.  I need Your wisdom and guidance every day of my life and in every situation.  May I speak quickly to bless others and be slow to criticize them!  I thank You for great leaders like Abraham Lincoln that referred often to You and to Your Word as he promoted the eradication of the evil treatment of those born with dark skin.  I pray that You will give us fresh, new political leadership that dares to honor You.  Amen.


And… Just for fun… I’ll toss in this nugget written by King Solomon who knew what he was talking about since he had a whole harem of them.  Prov 11:22 A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout.  NLT  The king had a way with words!

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