Monday, October 12, 2015


Monday   10-13-15  Málaga, Spain

Scripture reading:    Neh 9-10    Acts 2

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Acts 2:5-6  Godly Jews from many nations were living in Jerusalem at that time.  When they heard this sound, they came running to see what it was all about, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. NLT

O.  Luke beautifully describes the birthday of the Church.  New sounds:  A mighty, rushing wind... many languages worshipping God... Peter’s bold message.  Jesus might have said of these sounds, “He that hath ears to hear let him hear.”  Some heard, but scoffed and made fun of these sounds.  Others, devout Jews, were drawn to these sounds and 3,000 became part of the newborn Church!

A.  A car pulls up alongside mine at a signal light.  The powerful sounds of the tweeters and woofers in that car make my entire vehicle my very bones vibrate.  Today’s sounds pound on my ears from all sides.  And in the middle of it all what kind of “God-sounds” am I making?  Are there scoffers?  Certainly... and there always will be.  Are there others that come running to discover a new life in Christ?  Yes, and may God and only God be praised!

P.  Lord Jesus, I am sometimes overwhelmed with our new, powerfully amplified sounds.  My ears hurt and I am tempted to run away.  I want to whisper a message to the friend I have brought, but I have to shout in his ear to be understood.  Yes, Lord, we are heavy into sound.  Loud is in.  Silence is out.  I am part of it.  I like to make sounds with my electronically amplified instrument. May the sounds that I make be “God-sounds ... sounds that please You and may they, like the sounds at Pentecost, attract sincere people into fellowship with You!  Amen


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