Thursday, May 8, 2014

Little Hands

How can this old man maintain a busy schedule, traveling and preaching daily? 

Here is my secret: 

Many times at the close of a service the pastor will invite people to gather around, lay hands on me and pray for me quite like was often done in Bible times. 

Here in Villa Mercedes little hands join bigger ones to pray for me. I think the Lord listens to kid's prayers just as well as adults.

Last night in the city of Rawson, I asked the pastor to have just the children that wanted to do so to come up to lay hands on me to pray for me.  

Some of these kids really know how to pray.

In San Luis (right) everyone fervently joined in this prayer time.

Besides these special occasions, I have special friends scattered around the globe that faithfully pray for me every day. 

Now you know the Source of my strength.

Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)
