Thursday, February 2, 2012

Starters meet Finishers

What a mix!
The two extremes of life’s spectrum, each with its challenges and blessings!
Little starters sit on the floor. They are just trying to figure what life is all about.

How can they get so much fun out of petting a “live” skunk?!

And a beautiful group of seniors watch the ceremony with delight and laugh as they listen to Felipe’s twisted Bible tales.
This is the second time Pastor Tom Witt has invited me to minister to his group of seniors at Bethel Church in San Jose. Both times they have brought in the pre-school kids to enjoy the first part with Perfume, the skunk, and Felipe.

Just before lunch was served I shared with the seniors the account of my personal “Secret Bethel,” “House of God” and “Door to Heaven.” Jesus was there. He never fails to bring His divine blessing. That must be why I’m having so much fun.

Pastor Tom and his lovely wife, Trella, have been serving for four years as pastors of the seniors of this great missionary church.

What a blessing they are! Trella even plays the piano for the singing.
