Wednesday, November 26, 2014

11th Hour Generation

Back to Jesus’ story in Matt 20: 1-16   11/26/2014

S. Matt 20:6-7  At five o'clock that evening he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, 'Why haven't you been working today?'  "They replied, 'Because no one hired us.' NLT

O.  Jesus can pack a lot of punch into a story of a few words.  So here is this farmer guy going into town at daybreak to get his workers started.  Their pay is agreed upon and they go at it.  Then again at 9 AM, 12 PM and 3 PM. 3 PM is preposterous enough, but what is this 11th hour trip to the marketplace about?  The sun is setting in the western sky.  5 PM is no time to hire daytime workers.  Let’s pretend we are reporters and ask Him what He is up to.

A.  Excuse us Mr. Farmer, we’re from the Daily Farmer Scoop!  Did we understand you are hiring workers in the 11th hour?  Yeah, we know they were just standing around, but hiring at 5 PM?  Harvest?  You want to get in the harvest before it is too late?  What are a few grapes left on the vine to rot?  No big deal!  It IS?  It IS a big deal for YOU?  Not willing that ANY should perish?  They’re not?  What do You mean they are not just grapes?  They all look the same to me.  Different?  Every ONE is different?  Cultivated with great care?  Special value for You… hmmm.  

Did I hear you say something special about 11th hour workers?  You are calling 11th hour workers to give them a chance at it?  Sure, I guess there IS a whole new, very-bored generation standing around punching messages into their cell phones at 5 PM… or getting high on “smack” or whatever they call it.  So you are planning to keep calling them until sundown?  That’s cool!  

Hey, I’ve been just standing around looking for a scoop and nothing has happened in town all day.  Do you think?  Could you consider?  Might there still be… room in Your field for ME?  You have?  You’ve been calling me all day and I don’t answer my phone?  I’m on my way.  Count me in!

P.  Master of the harvest, please give me another hour to reap in Your vineyard.  Send me into that section over there where nobody has reached yet.  They may be just about to drop from the vine with their own weight.  Just let me go after them with Your holy passion and divine love.  Amen.

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