Saturday, November 5, 2016

How did they know about God?

Thursday 11-3-2016  Martinez, Province of Buenos Aires    
Today we read Job 25 and Mark 13 – 14

S.  Job 25:1 – 6 Then Bildad the Shuhite replied: "God is powerful and dreadful. He enforces peace in the heavens.  Who is able to count his heavenly army? Does his light not shine on all the earth?  How can a mere mortal stand before God and claim to be righteous? Who in all the earth is pure? God is so glorious that even the moon and stars scarcely shine compared to him. How much less are mere people, who are but worms in his sight?" NLT

O.  Bildad was not very good as a comforter, but I am amazed at his and his friends’ magnificent concept of God. Experts do not agree on the period of time when Job lived, but I think all of them agree that his story was written before the five books of Moses, the first five books of the Bible, ever hit the market. If so, neither Job nor any of his friends had any part of the Bible to reveal to them the character of God, much less the clear New Testament revelation given to us of His Son walking on earth, showing us the image of His Father, as we have today.

A.  I am so privileged to hold in my hands the Word of God which gives me a flowing history,  revealing bit by bit, my Creator’s power, character, purity, mercy and finally His great love!

P.  Lord, if I asked a child today how Bildad and his friends learned about God, they might answer, “They probably went online to Google.”  Today we are swamped with information, some accurate and some flawed, but presented as though accurate.  So how do we sort it all out?  We go back to Your Book, written by many Holy Spirit inspired authors over a period of many centuries.  There we find accuracy, inspiration, mercy, love, hope and the promise to know You better as we share eternity with You.  Hallelujah!  Amen.


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