Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can I Kiss You?

Pastor and Mrs. Jorge Ledesma have a great church in Resistencia reaching about 11,000.  On Monday afternoon he invited some kids.  He was going to have me with Felipe in one the halls they use for kids, but it became totally packed and many waiting to get in.  So we decided to go out into the parking lot for church worker's.  We were moving cars out and placing chairs in when we discovered that the crowd had grown so much it wouldn't fit in the parking lot either.  So we finally resorted to the church sanctuary which seats several thousand.

What do you do with 500 kids and many of their parents?  You get out your skunk, named Perfume, and let her wiggle and squirm a little bit. 

Then you let Felipe climb out of his case and teach them something from the Word of God that they will never forget. 

After that you pump the old accordion and teach them a fun chorus with deep meaning. 

Then you draw them a picture... a big picture... and turn it upside down... and with this illustration you give them the Good News of God's wonderful love... and help them invite the Savior into their lives. 

After the final "Amen" you get swamped with little kids running up onto the high platform while ushers are trying to shoo them back down, which of course, is impossible. 

So you drop to your knees to receive their spontaneous hugs and kisses... 

...while dozens flock around clicking cell phone cameras saying, "Smile, you are on Facebook!" 

After it was all over and I had risen to my feet again... a charming tiny girl was standing beside me.  She looked up at me and said, "Can I kiss you?" 

That will bring a big man to his knees fast!


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