Monday, October 1, 2012

The Send Off

Patterson Family Christian Center, Pastors Ken (at pulpit) and wife Brenda Moren.  It is a lively and loving church located in the beautiful city of Patterson surrounded by farmland.  If you could see the faces in this congregation you would see they represent many nations of the world... almost every skin color of the rainbow.  And what glorious worship!

You'll see a scene something like this in every service where I minister.  I am firmly convinced that the Lord wants to use children today as part of His powerful evangelism team.

I am told that this church has been experiencing a precious move of God since April of this year... and it shows in the vibrancy and excitement that abounds. 

It was my last service before leaving on October 3 for my beloved country of Argentina.  I will arrive just in time to enjoy the National Pastors Conference for the Assemblies of God.  Perhaps several thousand pastors and lay leaders will be present.  Once again I will meet many of my dear friends of many years... some were saved in some evangelist outreach in a park or plaza... most were trained in one of our Bible Institutes... and now, powerfully anointed by God, they are making a difference in Argentina and the world! 

"Goers" cannot be "Goers" without "Senders".    After a powerful time of prayer with many of the congregation kneeling around the front surrendering their all to serve Jesus, Pastor Ken Moren invited his leadership team to surround me, lay hands on me and "Send me."  He is not pictured here as he was standing behind the pulpit and leading in prayer.   Their sending was not only in word, but also in action as they took up a generous love offering.

This experience has been repeated again and again recently as I have been invited to minister in churches in California during this 2 1/2 month visit to the USA.  What a marvellous privilege to be a "Sent one!"  And what a challenge to be worthy of the prayers and demonstrated love of my "Senders!"


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