Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sent on a mission

Monday 1-9-17, Modesto, California
Today we read Gen 23 – 24 and Luke 9 
S = Scripture  O = Observation  A = Application  P = Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S. Gen 24:55-58 "But we want Rebekah to stay at least ten days," her brother and mother said. "Then she can go." But he said, "Don't hinder my return. The LORD has made my mission successful, and I want to report back to my master." "Well," they said, "we'll call Rebekah and ask her what she thinks." So they called Rebekah. "Are you willing to go with this man?" they asked her. And she replied, "Yes, I will go." NLT

O. Abraham’s faithful servant is not named, yet he is one of the principle characters of this enticing story. He is sent on a specific mission to a distant land to bring back a bride for his son, Isaac. He seeks and receives the Lord’s guidance. He finds this charming girl, Rebekah. She and her family believe the story this servant tells them, although they have never seen this guy before. And they agree to send their beautiful daughter away to never see her again. What a daring girl! She agrees to say goodbye to her family to leave one way of life for another as Isaac’s wife, who she has never seen.

A. I am only a servant of my Master. He called me aside and sent me to a distant land on a mission. He made the purpose of this journey clear. I am to seek out a bride for His Son. I must find her and tell her the true story that He is waiting with open arms to receive her. I do not go alone. God’s Spirit accompanies me and He sends His angels ahead of me to prepare the way. And, wonder of wonders! She hears the message and believes it is true. She leaves her former life behind and steps into a new role… the bride of Christ.

P. Oh God! I only want to be Your faithful servant. Prepare me with Your message as You send me on this mission. You have promised me success if I can only be true to Your calling. Here am I, send me! Amen.


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