Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Final Call to the Harvest

Friday 11-25-16 El Soberbio, northern Argentina   
Today we read Matt 20 - 22

S.  Matt 20:6-7 At five o'clock that evening he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, 'Why haven't you been working today?' "They replied, 'Because no one hired us.' "The owner of the estate told them, 'Then go on out and join the others in my vineyard.'  NLT

O.  Early in the morning of the Church age, Jesus went out searching for workers. He called them by name, prepared them and sent them out to transform their world. But the Master of the harvest was not satisfied.  He went out, as every generation passed into eternity… again at 9 AM, at 12 noon, at 3 PM and now… What is this?  He is going out seeking for workers just before quitting time. The sun is setting in the western sky when He sends out young workers in the ripened harvest. “Go for it, guys and gals. There is still time to make a difference for eternity in those within your reach!” The sky is darkening. The end is near. The light is on in the Master’s mansion. The workers can see the silhouette of the Foreman standing in the doorway. Any minute he will call in the workers for their pay. He is just waiting for the “word” from the Master of the harvest and it will be all over.

A. What time is it?  Is it the 3 PM or 5 PM or… maybe five minutes to quitting time?  The Prophet Daniel let us know what to look for to identify the final days. Dan 12:4 “… seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase." NLT  So what!  Hasn’t knowledge always increased? Nothing to compare with this and the last century.  Haven’t people been running here and there always?  Nothing like today. As I write this over a million people are driving their cars and thousands are in the air travelling.  Only 100 years ago this could never have happened.  The internet has placed knowledge on practically any subject at our fingertips.  If worldly, unbelieving scientists are right… human beings have been around for many thousands of years, but in 1930 the population on this spinning globe reached one billion for the first time.  Then it only took 30 years to double that and another 15 years to double that and now we are pressing 7 billion in less than a century.

P.  Lord, just how many people can this spinning space ship support? I have been privileged to hear your call to the harvest in this final hour. The sun is setting. Your clock is ticking and You have not yet called me in from the harvest. Just let me reach one more eternal soul… or maybe even one hundred more.  May I not look up from the passion of my labor until I hear the trumpet sound announcing the call to all the harvesters! Come home, my son. It’s all over.  Amen.


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