Friday, April 22, 2011

Night of Forgiveness

The night of His betrayal Jesus took a basin of water and a towel and started washing his disciple’s feet… and he didn’t stop until he had washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, His betrayer. He knew that only moments later those feet would run to sell their Master for 30 pieces of silver. Picture the King of kings on His knees in front of His betrayer. That’s a forgiving, loving heart stooping low! Many years have passed since I had witnessed a “foot washing service”. But Pastor Pancho Buono, (who was saved as a teenager one night in 1967 when I was preaching in this city) has this special “Foot Washing Service” every year during Holy Week. He calls it “Night of Forgiveness.” Pancho has raised up an awesome church that is actively starting other churches even in distant provinces, more than twenty, plus another twenty in process. Tonight after I preached, he told the people that he had requested the privilege of washing the feet of his “spiritual father.” (photo) It was a powerful experience, a time of expressed love and appreciation. Each Husband was kneeling in front of his wife tenderly washing her feet… then visa versa. (photo) Love and forgiveness flowed like a river. Everybody was laying their hands on their loved ones and praying for them. Elderly widows washed each other’s feet. Pancho washed the feet of his board members. And I requested the privileged of washing Pastor Pancho’s feet. (photo)

After the service I was shuttled to the home of the couple that are in charge of the “Castilleros” (King’s Castle Kids). They had been out preaching on the streets. They sat me in a chair in front of them and said “Preach!” It was totally unexpected, but when you give me a bunch of charged up teenagers, you don’t have to beg me too much. I shared with them how God had thrust me into ministry even though I was shy and incapable of speaking in public… and how a group of 30 service men surrendered their lives to Christ the very first time I tried. I had made a total mess of it, but I discovered that the power is not in the delivery, but in the message. It was now almost midnight and Pastor Pancho’s car was waiting outside to take me “home” to the IBM.

Before church I shared my testimony with Sergio, my taxi driver, a father of three kids… for 30 minutes… all the way from the Bible Institute to church. Then there in front of the church, seated in the car, he prayed with me to receive the Savior that died for him and rose again. Who Knows? Sergio may become another Pancho! This is going to be a good weekend. I’ve still got three more churches to go!

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