Monday, September 5, 2011

The Fun Begins

What a joy to be “used of God!” Last Friday I awoke early in the morning and sensed immediately that I should reverse my decision to not accept the invitation of a lady pastor of a small church in Buenos Aires. I had already told her that I had turned down many invitations and was trying to reserve my voice this weekend by preaching only on Sunday morning. Now God seemed to be telling me to call her and tell her I would come Sunday night after all. She was delighted at my reversal.
It happened at that church last night at the close of my message. I had just begun to give the invitation. A young man, named Gustavo, who was there for the first time, picked up his back pack and stepped into the aisle. At first I thought he was going to escape out the back door. But, no, he almost ran to the front. He seemed so desperate for God in his life. I think I forgot that I had the accordion strapped on me as I tried to kneel down to help him pray to receive the Lord into his life. Afterward he hung onto me and would hardly let go. I just hope he hangs on to Jesus that firmly!
Then there was a powerful altar service where God was at work in many hearts, preparing men and women, youth and even little children for “heavenly adventures” just ahead.

We were "picking up the pieces" at the close when a group of little kids wanted to take their picture with me. I couldn’t turn that down!
The fun has just begun!