Saturday, September 5, 2015

Prophetic Entertainment for Sale

Saturday   9-5-15 (Home in Modesto)
Scripture reading:  Eze. 25-28       Rev. 10

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Rev 10:10-11  So I took the little scroll from the hands of the angel, and I ate it! It was sweet in my mouth, but it made my stomach sour.  Then he said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings." NLT


O.  The Apostle John was experiencing a long, detailed vision in which he was caught up into heavenly realms.  He saw both frightening and beautiful sights complete with strange creatures.  Now a great angel has given him a scroll to eat.  It tasted good, but made him sick to his stomach.  And he is advised that he will continue to prophesy and his prophecy will be read by many peoples, nations, languages and kings.


A.  Today we have many who aspire to be God’s prophets.  May the Lord bless and use them mightily!  After reading the prophet Jeremiah’s writings and the first 28 chapters of Ezekiel, I find that their prophecies are more than 95% promises of terrifying destruction that is just ahead for nations and their leaders.  I am not a prophet, nor, as Amos said, “nor the son of a prophet”, but what I see is our nation and our world running headlong into mass destruction. 


I don’t follow the modern prophets a lot, but if they prophesy anything like the ancients who left their writings to form part of the Bible, I am sure nobody will want to invite them to their church or conference.  People don’t pay to hear someone yelling that destruction and horror is just ahead.  They want to hear comforting words of peace and prosperity... just like the false prophets in Ezekiel’s time offered.  In Ezekiel and Jeremiah’s day the true prophets were hated and imprisoned, not sought out as entertainment with all their expenses covered.


P.  Lord, You know that I wept tears in Your presence before placing the above title to this devotional.  I don’t want to offend anybody.  Perhaps one of my contemporaries that could well be identified with the prophets of old, was Pastor David Wilkerson.  He never winced, but spoke bluntly against sin even in the Church.  Dear Lord, I don’t aspire to be a prophet of doom.  I just want to open my hearers’ eyes to see You, Jesus... so that young and old alike may fall at Your feet and receive a brand new start in life... a start that will carry them through this life and into Your heaven.  I just want to preach faith, hope and love.  And may You find me to be just “Your servant”... without seeking a title of reverend, bishop, apostle or prophet, but just wanting to be Your example and Your voice in this troubled world.  Amen.



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