Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A movie is designed to take control of my mind

Tuesday   12-01-15      Modesto, California

Scripture reading:    Rom 5 - 8

S=Scripture  O=Observation  A=Application  P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Rom 8:5-6  Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.  If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.  NLT

O.  The book of Romans makes a challenging study.  Paul uses logic to present Gospel truth.  He shows how we all are sinners.  Sin has taken control of our lives.  As we yielded to sin, it quickly became our master and we found ourselves as its slaves. 

A.  I now must apply these principles personally to my life.  I, too, became a slave to sin.  But now that I have chosen to let Christ conquer the power of sin within me... I have chosen a new Master.  I choose to become His slave.  Now I must ask Him to help me control my mind since sinful thoughts attempt to sneak into the cracks in my armor.  I must reject those evil thoughts and choose to think His thoughts.  If I allow my mind to dwell on sinful things, they will bring me down into depression or even into sinful acts.  And if I allow my mouth to speak them to others I will bring them down with me.

P.  Oh, Holy Spirit of the Living God, I pray daily for victory in the battle of my mind.  Fill me with Your thoughts.  The sights and sounds that surround me demand the control of my mind, but I appeal to You to rescue me.  For me, one of the enemy’s most powerful tools is the movie screen.  When I watch a movie, I am literally surrendering my mind to that screen for maybe two hours.  It will control my mind, my thoughts and even my emotions.  Under its spell I will become a slave to its producer.  Help me to make wise decisions in this and all things that fight for the control of my thoughts.  Amen.  


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