Friday, November 6, 2015

Start Enjoying Eternal Life Now!

Friday   11-6-15  San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America

Scripture reading:    Job 30    Psalm 120     Galatians 3 - 4

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Gal 3:23-26  But before faith came, we were kept in ward under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.  So that the law is become our tutor (to bring us) unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.  But now faith that is come, we are no longer under a tutor.  For ye are all sons of God, through faith, in Christ Jesus.  ASV

O.  The Apostle Paul is explaining the purpose of the Mosaic Law.  It was our tutor, our warden, to keep us safely in check until the message of faith in the sacrifice of Christ Jesus reached our ears.  For once we open our hearts to receive the indwelling Christ by faith, we begin a life of wanting to please Him, not burdened by a list of rules, but simply out a relationship of love for Him.  Unfortunately many cannot accept Christ’s sacrifice as sufficient.  They stumble through life, hoping that their good deeds will out-balance their sins... while the Bible’s Good News is that by placing our trust in Christ’s sufficient sacrifice we already have “eternal life”.  “All who put their trust in Jesus Christ have eternal life.” John 3:36  NUHV** That’s present tense!  I have God’s gift now! 

A.  If I accept the message of God’s Word, I know that He sees sin as much more evil and serious than I do.  His perfection repels sin.  Sin blocks my communication and fellowship with Him. (Isaiah 59:1-2)  As a Christian desiring to please Him, when the Holy Spirit dwelling within me alerts me to the fact that I have sinned, I run quickly to my Jesus.  I may often be emotionally stirred to tears and ask for forgiveness, cleansing and power to overcome.  I do not carelessly “live in sin”.  I love Him too much for that.  I cherish His warm fellowship.  With total forgiveness and cleansing that accessible to me, I need never live in a state of condemnation. 

P.  Father, I know that at birth I inherited a sinful nature dating back to Adam and Eve.  But You have provided a way out of that dark tunnel through faith in Your Son Jesus Christ.  Help me communicate the marvelous truths of Your Good News to adults, youth and even little children.  I need a double portion of Your Holy Spirit anointing as I begin ministry here in San Salvador this weekend.  Without You I can do nothing!

** New Unauthorized Hiatt Version

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