Sunday, May 31, 2015


Sunday 5-31-15 (La Lucila, Argentina)
Scripture reading:  Prov 16-18    Rom 12

S.  Rom 12:6-11 God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out when you have faith that God is speaking through you.  If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching.  If your gift is to encourage others, do it!  If you have money, share it generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.  NLT

O.  God generously offers each of us special gifts.  They are not like toys given to a small child to play with.  The child’s sister reaches out to touch her brother’s gift… and it is snatched out of her hand before she can grip it.  “Mine!” 

A.  We sometimes are like little children.  We play with our gift.  We cherish our gift.  We show it off to others to enjoy the applause and their congratulations, but don’t you dare touch it.  “Mine!” 

When I was a teenager I had the gift of tearing up a car by drag racing the other guy at the signal light.  But my sister’s husband was an expert mechanic who shared his gifts and even totally rebuilt my engine for free.  I did the highly technical job of cleaning up the greasy, filthy old parts.  I watched how he did it and learned just enough to mess it up again.

Every one of God’s generous gifts listed above is designed to bless others.  Am I sharing my gift?  If not, I have missed God’s design and purpose.

P.  Lord, it seems I have the gift of messing up my faithful laptop, but You gave me a friend that has the gift of untangling jumbled computers.  He has the gift of helps… of serving others.  He hears from me quite often.  You know me, Lord.  I watch how he does it and learn just enough to mess it up again.

I thank you, Lord, for so many friends that lavish their generous gifts on me.  They cook meals for me and even wash the dishes afterward.  Some pray for me every day.  They bless me 100 ways.  Now help me to know that my gifts are really not “Mine”.  They are only “Mine” to give away.  All Your gifts to me are designed to help and bless others. Amen.


PS.  When I was a ministerial student at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary of Portland, Oregon (Now referred to as Western Baptist Seminary) one of the three founders, 82 year old Dr. Milliken, was one of my favorite professors.  I was a Pentecostal student in a Baptist seminary.  I privately asked him what his thoughts were about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.  His answer has never left me: “Ralph, seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but when you have received God’s gift, don’t think that now you have ‘got it’.  There is no limit to the gifts of God.”

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