Friday, October 2, 2015

Jesus Bumper Stickers

Friday   10-02-15  Burgos, Spain

Scripture reading:    Zech 13-14    Ps 147    Luke 15

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Zech 14:20  On that day even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: SET APART AS HOLY TO THE LORD. NLT

O.  The prophet is foretelling a day when there will be no more merchants or money changers in the temple square... a day when pots and pans will be inscribed with “HOLY UNTO THE LORD”.  Even the bells on the horses will be inscribed as dedicated to the Lord.

A.  I have never been very comfortable with a Jesus bumper sticker or even a fish symbol on my car.  Of course, it’s not that I am afraid to be known as a Christian, but I always think I might make a false move in traffic and cause someone to curse the name of Jesus.  I’m even glad I don’t have to wear a clerical collar.  In my hurry I might offend someone and cause them to curse Christ.  Or... is this just my excuse for bad driving habits and my quick temper?  Ouch!

P.  Lord, how would my life change if I had Your name attached, inscribed on everything I do?  In my business transactions, while dealing with a waiter or waitress in a restaurant... can I gladly let them know I am Your servant?  When I am trapped in traffic and tempted to angrily blast my horn... am I hiding behind tinted glass?  Oh, Jesus, I want to be like You!  Yes, I really do!  Please help me not to get so “up tight.”  May Your name be on my lips and Your attitude written on my heart... and may someone meet me and say, “You are a follower of Jesus Christ, aren’t you?”  May my life be inscribed with “Set apart as holy to the Lord.”  Amen.


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