Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Substitution: One man offers to take the punishment for another

Monday  1-18-16 (Home in Modesto, California)     

Scripture reading for today:    Gen 44 – 46    Luke 18

S=Scripture  O=Observation  A=Application  P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Gen 44:33-34  “...Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers.  For how shall I go up to my father if the lad is not with me, lest perhaps I see the evil that would come upon my father?" NKJV

“Please, your honor, just let me stay here and become your slave, but let this lad go home with his brothers.  For how could I return to my father if the lad is not with me?  I would have to watch my father die of grief.” NUHV

O.  Has Joseph pushed these half brothers to their limit to punish them?  I think not.  I believe he was trying to see if the hearts of these evil men had changed over the years.  Turn back a few pages.  They had thrown Joseph into a pit and while they were enjoying lunch, from the pit Joseph had heard this same Judah say, “Hey guys, why kill the kid when we can make some money on him.  Let’s sell him as a slave!”  Now he is pleading for the life of his little brother and offering himself as a life-long slave in his place.  Now Joseph was satisfied... and spoke to them in their own language... revealing his true identity.

A.  Hidden in this highly emotional story is the concept of 
substitution... of one man taking the punishment for another.  Benjamin has been found with the evidence of stealing Joseph’s silver cup.  For all that Judah knew, Benjamin was guilty.  But Judah pleads for the privilege of suffering the rest of his life in his little brother’s place.  Centuries later one of his descendents, called the “Lion of Judah,” would take upon Himself my guilt and become the “Lamb of God” to die in my place and lift me from eternal damnation to eternal life.

P.  Lord, this concept of one offering His life to save another is insinuated many centuries ago in the book of Genesis.  You later called it the expression of the greatest love.  You lived by it, then You died by it.  I will live with You forever not because of my righteous living, but because You took my punishment in my place.  You did it only because You loved me.  And that love still reaches out to every sinner, calling him or her to repentance and free entrance into Your Holy presence forever.   Oh what a Savior!  Amen.


PS.  Judah’s words still haunt me: For how can I go to my Father if my sons are not with me?

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