Friday, September 9, 2016


Reminder: My book “Argentina a Love Story” (Life stories) (English) is now available on at

Spanish title is “Argentina, con Amor.”   Both English and Spanish are also available to download on your Kindle.


Thursday 9-9-2016 Home in Modesto
Scripture Reading: Lam 1 – 2      Obadiah    Rev 14
S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer SOAP for the soul.

S.  Lam 1:1 How lonely sits the city that was full of people! How like a widow is she, who was great among the nations! The princess among the provinces has become a slave!  NKJV

O.  Jeremiah is thought to be the author of this book. He had spent his entire life until this day crying out in the streets of Jerusalem, warning of this coming destruction and pleading with its people to heed the words of the Lord and to repent in humility. Instead they mock him and place him in a dungeon. Now he sees little children starving in the helpless arms of their mothers as both die in the vacant streets. He weeps for a people who would not listen to God’s many warnings.

A.  If this sad poetry, describing the fall of Jerusalem, does not bring tears to your eyes, perhaps your heart has become calloused by repeatedly seeing hungry, starving children and dead bodies scattered on the streets of distant cities on your TV screen.

I cannot imagine the horror of my city and my neighborhood suddenly being overrun by hundreds of foreign soldiers that do not speak my language. By sheer numbers they break into my house and wreck everything nice, grab anything of value to them, stab my children with bayonets and leave them dying. I am left helpless to save my family. Famine, death and destruction leave behind the smoke rising over a pile of ruins that was once my beautiful neighborhood. 

Jeremiah does not gloat and say, “I told you so!”  Instead he suffers with the suffering and weeps with those that still have the strength to weep.

P.  Lord, I believe from my heart that You would like to save America. Still it seems that our leaders refuse to take seriously Your warnings. Your call to repentance brings mockery. I can only appeal to Your mercy for my children, my grandchildren and theirs. Even so, come Lord Jesus… Come!  Amen.


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