Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Let me declare again Your deeds among the nations!

Tuesday 7-12-2016   Home in Modesto
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 11-14     Hebrews 9
S=Scripture  O=Observation  A=Application  P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Isa 12:4-5  And in that day you will say: "Praise the LORD, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, Make mention that His name is exalted.  Sing to the LORD, For He has done excellent things; This is known in all the earth...” NKJV

O.  The prophet Isaiah declares that the day is coming when the people of Israel will praise the Lord again and declare His deeds among the nations. 

A.  That day has already come for me.  It is today!  My heart was filled with praise to the Lord as I completed my physical exercises with an almost galloping 15 minute walk this morning.  What a privilege!  I can call upon His name!  I have been given the joy of declaring His deeds among the nations.  And as my voice is slowly returning, after my brief time with pneumonia, I am able to sing again... just a little bit.  May I soon be enabled again to share His excellent deeds, making them known in all the earth!

P.  Speak Lord!  Speak again to my soul.  As I bow before You... I am listening.  As I read Your Word... I am listening.  While I walk with You... I am listening.  Give me ears to hear Your voice.  There are so many voices, so many sounds that surround me!  Help me tune my heart to hear Your voice.  Thank you, Lord for totally clear, healthy lungs.  And now, as You are restoring my fragile voice, may it resound in praise to You, declaring Your excellent ways in all the earth!  Amen.

I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
by Francis Rowley 1886

1.    I will sing the wondrous story
Of the Christ Who died for me;
How He left His home in glory
For the cross of Calvary.
o    Refrain:
Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story
Of the Christ Who died for me,
Sing it with the saints in glory,
Gathered by the crystal sea.
2.    I was lost, but Jesus found me,
Found the sheep that went astray,
Threw His loving arms around me,
Drew me back into His way.
3.    I was bruised, but Jesus healed me,
Faint was I from many a fall,
Sight was gone, and fears possessed me,
But He freed me from them all.
4.    Days of darkness still come o’er me,
Sorrow’s path I often tread,
But His presence still is with me;
By His guiding hand I’m led.
5.    He will keep me till the river
Rolls its waters at my feet;
Then He’ll bear me safely over,
Where the loved ones I shall meet.

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