Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Subject of this Treatise

Monday 7-4-2016   Home in Modesto
Scripture Reading:  2 Kings 15 – 16   Hosea 1   Hebrews 1
S=Scripture  O=Observation  A=Application  P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  Heb 1:1-2  God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son... NKJV

O.  The writer to the Hebrews begins by identifying the subject of his treatise. His Subject is a Person.  He is not a created being, like the angels.  He is the very One by Whom God, the Father made the “worlds.”  God spoke through many great prophets in the past, but now has revealed Himself to us by His Son.  So the writer begins to show us Christ Jesus, the Creator.  He descended to our level, yet without sin. 

A.  He walked where I walk and understands my needs and my suffering.  He became the perfect, sufficient Sacrifice for all my sin and yours.  He paid the price for my freedom.  He is now my interceding High Priest and the One and Only Mediator between the Father God and me.  Jesus is all I need.

P.  Lord Jesus, I fall on my face before You like my doubting brother, Thomas... and cry out, “My Lord and my God!”  Help me never to forget Who You are.  May I never doubt Your promise to go all the way to the end with me.  You were present with me and my dear Frances to the very end when You lifted her in Your loving arms and carried her across the great chasm that separates this world from the next.  Help me to always trust You in every circumstance.  Amen.

He’s all I need.
He’s all I need.
He’s all I need.
Jesus is all I need.

You’re all I need.
You’re all I need.
Jesus, You’re all I need.

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