Friday, August 7, 2015

Who knows? Maybe it was something he ate?

Friday 8-7-15 (Clermont, Florida suburb of Orlando)

Scripture reading:  Zeph 1 – 3    John 9

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer  SOAP for the soul.

S.  John 9:20-23  His parents replied, "We know this is our son and that he was born blind, but we don't know how he can see or who healed him. He is old enough to speak for himself. Ask him."  They said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who had announced that anyone saying Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled from the synagogue.  That's why they said, "He is old enough to speak for himself. Ask him." NLT

O.  Here is a couple that experienced the disappointment of having their baby born blind.  A mother goes through the pain of childbirth with great hopes, but their joy soon turns to sorrow when they notice that their baby cannot see.  Now he was a grown man, and was a professional beggar… and the parents probably counted the cash every day.  Did Jesus ask him if he wanted to see?  We have no record of Jesus or the disciples previously speaking to the man.  He just kneels down, spits in the dirt and starts smearing mud on the useless eyes… and tells him what to do.  His new eyes had never yet seen Jesus.  Now the religious people land on the former beggar like he was a criminal.  They call in his parents who now should have been jumping with joy… but instead, their social position was at stake, so they lie and say they don’t know… rather than identify themselves with their son’s Healer.  It had to be like a slap in the face to Jesus.  But He was used to that.

A.  How do I react after witnessing a personal miracle?  Am I ashamed of my Jesus?  I know somebody will scoff at me.  I know I will be dubbed a fanatic.  Maybe I am tempted to just mention the medication I took that day.  Or do I, with great joy, introduce them to my Heavenly Doctor

P.  Dear Lord Jesus, am I too well educated and worldly wise to own up to Your many miracles in my life?  I hope never!  Your name should be on my lips with praise.  Every morning when I wake up I know that I am living miracle.  People often commend me on my excellent health as though I were the reason… and I too often just accidentally refer to my daily morning exercises… as if I were the hero.  Well, I am not!   And all the glory must go to my Health Giver and Maintainer.  Every breath of air filling my lungs and every beat of my heart is another miracle.  To God be the glory always and forever… great things He has done!  Amen.


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