Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dark Corners

Wednesday 6-3-15 (La Lucila, Argentina)
Scripture reading:  Prov 25-27    Rom 15

S.  Rom 15:20-21  My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.  I have been following the plan spoken of in the Scriptures, where it says, "Those who have never been told about him will see, and those who have never heard of him will understand."  NLT

O.  The Apostle Paul found it necessary to spend many months teaching in Ephesus and Corinth and perhaps in other places.  When he preached to the Jews, they had a background of the Old Testament so when they were converted to Christ they already had a base of theology and conduct.  However when he ministered where his converts were primarily Gentile pagans, he sometimes stayed longer to establish them in the faith.

A.  It is extremely challenging to preach the gospel to people steeped in occult religions, who have no concept or a warped concept of Christ Jesus.  I often thank the Lord for the Roman Catholic Church, who, although their message is tainted with multiple non-biblical errors, their priests broke the pagan soil in Latin America among the indigenous inhabitants.  I find their people relatively quick to respond the true Gospel of faith in Jesus Christ.  They have a basic understanding of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but have no idea that they can have a personal relationship with God.  When they open their hearts to Jesus, the miracle of His presence in their lives brings great enthusiasm… which often draws in their relatives, friends and neighbors.  In one sense we are benefited by an established religion with some truth, yet in another sense we are entering virgin territory where, for many so called “Christian” souls, the Good News of Christ has never been heard.

P.  Lord Jesus, perhaps this desire to reach the unreached, has, in part been what has driven me to the depths of the huge area of the Parana Delta River Islands.  Thank you, Father, for an established solid church there today that continues to expand its out-reach, carrying Your love, hope and faith into its darkest corners.  I thank You for Pastors Cocholo and Lilia Urquiza whose total dedication and unfailing love for these people has brought so many into Your fellowship.  I plead with You to raise up new dedicated, competent ministers so that this extremely challenging work may not struggle and wither after the present leadership is carried off to glory.   Amen.


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