Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Why Obey Anybody?

Wednesday 6-10-15 (Houston, USA awaiting flight)
Scripture reading:  Song 1-4    Eph 6

S.  Eph 6:1-4  Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. "Honor your father and mother." NLT 

O.  The Apostle Paul deals out some instructions for a healthy family.  He starts with the child.  He assumes that these Christian parents have taught their children that they “belong to the Lord”.  This becomes the basis of their life style from day one.

A.  I think this may have been a major factor in my family when I was a child.  We knew “whose we were”.  We were not like everybody’s kids out there.  We “belonged to the Lord.”  It would never have occurred to us to talk back with disrespect to either of our parents, our teachers or other authorities. 

My dad spanked me only once that I can remember.  I probably was about 8 years old.  He took me downstairs into the basement and took a light flat board from an apple box and used it on my bottom.  I don’t remember what I had done, but I am sure I deserved the paddling.  I doubt that it pained me physically much.  I am sure I cried.  I still weep easily.  All I recall is the sadness and shame I felt because my conduct had disappointed my dad.

I was taught to obey the authority of those placed above me, not only because of who they are, but because of who I am.  I am a child of the King.

P.  Father God. In Your divine mercy You have made me a part of Your family.  Your name and Your fame are attached to me.  People will either love or curse You because of me.  Help me never forget that I belong to You.  May that fact affect the way I think and act every day!  Amen.


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