Tuesday, June 9, 2015

You can have a song in your heart in the night

Tuesday 6-8-15 (Martinez, Argentina)

Scripture reading:  Eccl 10-12    Ps 94     Eph 5

S.  Eph 5:18-20  Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.  Then you will sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, making music to the Lord in your hearts.  And you will always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  NLT

O.  Those who take their first taste of alcoholic drinks and other mind-bending drugs are quite sure that they have it all under control.  Yet for tens of thousands, those same people soon find themselves controlled by their addiction and their life in ruins.

The Apostle Paul compares the fake emotional high of the drug called alcohol to the true spiritual high brought about by the Holy Spirit.  Instead of losing control to a deadly drug, we surrender control to a loving God.  The result is we find ourselves singing to the Lord, and making music to Him in our hearts. 

A.  I often unconsciously have a tune playing somewhere down inside.  It may go on for minutes or maybe an hour before I pay any attention to it.  Sometimes I have to think a while to recall the meaning of this tune.  I can hear the tune, but have forgotten the title or the accompanying lyrics.  I could go to the keyboard and play it… and often do when a keyboard is handy like at home.  But by that time I have recognized it as a hymn or chorus that I sang perhaps 65 years ago as an adolescent.  Many times a spiritual experience seems attached to that particular song.  Wonderful memories flood my heart as I relive something beautiful from the past. 

It is for this very reason that I often teach a “new” chorus to accompany my sermon.  I am trusting that the Lord will give many a glorious experience at the close of this service and forever after they will have that song deep in their heart to return again to them at needful moments and remind them of what the Lord has done.

P.  Jesus, I am so glad You have promised us music up in heaven.  Maybe I will have a beautiful voice, like my son, Tim.  Maybe I will sing in a special choir of choice angels.  Maybe I will have a Hawaiian Steel Guitar… no, not really… for You tell me that You have a better instrument waiting for me that will blow me off my cloud.  I can look forward to astounding music.  “But until then my heart will go on singing… until then with joy I’ll carry on…”  Amen.


PS.  The tune is playing in my heart right now.  I can picture the scene.  Two girls are practicing a duet and I am at the piano in the Roseville First Assembly of God… with Pastor Bob Pirtle.  Here it is: 

You Can Have a Song in Your Heart in the Night.
by E.L. Slavens and Ira Stanphill: 

You can have a melody down in your heart, 
When it's aching, almost breaking. 
Even tho' the sorrow makes the teardrop start, 
You can have a melody down in your heart. 

You can have a song in your heart in the night 
After every trial, after every mile. 
Anyone can sing when the sun is shining bright, 
But you need a song in your heart at the night. 

Do not let your worries drive your song away, 
Though tomorrow brings its sorrow, 
Just remember after night time comes the day. 
Do not let your worries drive your song away. 

Soon the night will pass and morning brings the day; 
I am longing for its dawning, 
until then we'll labor here and watch and pray, 
Soon the night will pass and morning bring the day.


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