Friday, January 13, 2017

Both Rich and Generous

Thursday 11-17-2016 City of Posadas, northern Argentina   
Today we read 2 Cor. 7 - 10

S.  2 Cor 8:9 You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was. Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. NLT

O.  Jesus stepped down from His throne, where He governed the galaxies that He had created, to enter this world on our level as a tiny helpless baby in the arms of its mother… down, way down, from the perfect air of heaven to take His first breath in a stinking stable.  He stepped down from total authority to total dependency, down from perfect holiness to walk with sinners, down from the riches of heaven to learn the trade of a hard-working man, who, with his family, survived at what we might consider, poverty level.

A.  And why did He take this unique, drastic plunge? Paul writes… So that by his poverty he could make you rich.  And I am a recipient of His gift of riches. He stooped low enough to give me the gift of His love… and open the windows of heaven to share His joy, His care and His plan for my life. I am richer than a millionaire. 

P.  I thank You, Lord, for having compassion on little, unimportant nobodies like me.  Now the years and decades have passed.  I am elderly and You still pour out the riches of Your kindness, Your salvation, Your sufficiency, Your mercy and Your grace upon me… and upon all that open their hearts to You.  Some rich people are stingy, but You are both rich and generous!  Amen.


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